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It smells sweet, sour, dirty, musty, and moldy. What am I talking about? Come on,give it a few guesses. It is not my kids dirty feet or dirty diapers. It is my truck. The nasty things I find and smell in my truck after toting two boys around for a week is nasty. It looks like a tornado swept through the back seat. I have become such good friends with the shop vac, I am considering naming it.
This week as I cleaned out the truck I found not only one but four moldy GoGurt containers. They smell sweet from the GoGugurt but then there is mold all over the top. It is rather unpleasant. I know those little things are horrible to take in the car but my kids love them so much and I am a softy so I give in.
I tracked a full list of what nasty food items I pulled from the truck. In the front two seats I pulled out three GoGurts just starting to get sour and mold, a half eaten chocolate granola bar, two never opened but all smashed up fruit grain bars, and three bottles of partially drank water. In the back seat I found the nastiest piece of week old cucumber! There were three slices left and they were as mushy and stinky as you could imagine. It made me cringe just to hold the bag. There were so many cracker crumbs in Hayden's seat there was no chance of cleaning it up without the help of the shop vac. I bet if I was to open that sop vac 95% of it's contents would be Hayden's crackers. The third row of seats has been laid down for extra storage so it is pretty clean. There are only a few corn husk particles there. That is an easy mess to clean.
With all of the food mess I had to carry into the house 3 sweatshirts, a pair of shoes, two winter jackets, 3 coffee cups, several toy guns, and a few costumes.
Oddly enough, with all this mess, my truck never really smells bad.
It was just a cute way to start my story. However, if I did not clean it weekly I reckon it would. Now that my truck is clean it is time to load the kids up and start all over again! Hey, maybe I will be adventuresome an give them an ice cream cone in the car! Oh, wait I have done that!
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