Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Mom Challenge For You; How You Can Start Your Day Off With A Bang!

Image courtesy of clipartof.com
I have shared many of my challenges with you over the past few months and now I want to throw a challenge your way. I have recently started greeting my son differently every morning. Typically, I say, "good morning" followed by a hug when he comes down the stairs. Then I am off to get him breakfast before he gets testy.

My new thing is giving him a longer hug and saying something like, "Good morning my awesome son! I love you so much! Let's go have an awesome day together."

While this may sound silly, it really has made an impact on his mood!

As the New Year rolls around and everyone starts their resolutions I figured this was a perfect time to share this.

If you choose to partake in this challenge; please come back and let me know how it goes.

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