Unbelievable! The tests came back and after the 12 hour glucose test, I have gestational diabetes.
My husband flipped out and insisted we go to the store that night to buy all the right foods for my new diet. The problem was we really did not know what the diet and would not have the meter to check my blood sugar for another week.
We got some foods that were low carb and not very tasty. I recall dinner that night being 4 scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese melted into them because the other dish we experimentally cooked was so nasty it was unedible. I had to wait a week to get the meter and poking stick.
A few months into the routine of eating right and poking myself after every meal, I said screw it. I had been watching my sugars and testing them. I even ate a candy bars. My numbers were never once out of whack. I told my doc they had made a mistake but of course, she insisted I keep checking my sugars. I refused to continue poking myself and that was the end of that. I mean come one... am I really going to let a doctor tell me what to do? :) Not me. I am too feisty.
Now we are on week 27 of this pregnancy. I am feeling really really good. I even have some of my energy back. I must be low on vitamin C because I have been eating 4-6 oranges a day. I just can't get enough.
My husband is about to go out of state for work. It is only for a few days and I still have a while to go in this pregnancy, so he won't miss a thing.
It was really early in the morning when he left. You just have to love those early morning flights. I grabbed the kitchen trash and walked him out the door. I sat the trash down to kiss him good by. I paused to pet my cat, Dookie, as I watched him leave the driveway. Dookie ran inside, so I picked up the trash bag and proceeded to throw it out.
Now, I know I did not just pee my pants, did I? The second I picked up the trash something happened. It was not much, so I know my water did not break. Huh, I guess the baby pushed on my bladder.
I rushed around getting ready for work as I finished my last cup of coffee, I leaned over to tell the animals bye and off to work I go. I had no idea how busy I would be at work today. There was no time for lunch. We ordered in and worked straight through. Thankfully there was no glucose tests today so I was able to eat.
By 2 p.m. I was getting cramps. I guess lunch did not agree with me. Even worse, the baby must be on my bladder because every time I stand up, it feels like a bit of pee comes out. I know... appealing and lady like huh?
At 3:30 I pulled my co worker into my office. I shut the door and told her my symptoms. She has had two kids, so I figured she might be able to relate. She said she peed her pants, but not until she was really big and about to pop. Dang! What is going on with me. Thankfully I have a doctors appointment tonight or I would be calling to make one.
4p.m. I rush home to check on my animals. I let them go potty and off to the doctors I go. I was feeling a little rough and actually starting to sweat because of my discomfort. My husband was unavailable and busy on his work trip. I called my mom and told her how I was feeling. Out conversation was short as I had arrived to my appointment.
When I was called back to get weighed, my nurse asked me how things were going. I told her all about peeing my pants and my cramps. She did not say much. My doctor was in my room fast! Usually I wait 20 minutes. She wanted to test the liquid I called pee. She excused herself and returned 2 minutes later with the nurse. I could not quite tell what she was about to say, but I smiled and waited for her mouth to open and words to come out.
You left me hanging!!
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and........ HURRY, HURRY..... come on, tell us, "What did the Nurse say?" ...
ReplyDeleteI will be back tomorrow to find out!