I have been on bed rest now for too long. Bed rest in the hospital is one thing, but at home is a lot different. In the hospital there is really not much to do. I was going a little stir crazy. I was fortunate enough to land a contract “work at home” job that kept me busy for 3 hours a day. Again, by the grace of God, another dilemma has been fixed. I had supplemental income.
I had the occasional friend stop by, but I wanted to get up and do stuff. There are things to be done and I can not do them. UGH! I am a neat freak and the mess in the house is killing me. My husband really tried but is not a house cleaner. Lucky for me, my dear Aunt came up to help me out! With a clean house, I felt a little less anxious.
Let's fast forward. I am now 32 weeks pregnant. I can hardly believe it myself, but I have carried this baby almost to term. It really is a miracle to me. It often just feels like a really long and drawn out dream. This was not what I expected to happen when I learned I was pregnant. At last, we have made it to a safe point in case of early delivery.
I had not been removed from bed rest by the doctor, but the nesting phase has set in, so I gave myself permission to get off of bed rest. I had been a really good girl and even my doctor said it would be safe to deliver now. Looking back on this decision, it was silly. I let the bed rest get the best of me. I felt overwhelmed. I still needed to finish his room.
I had formed a daily routine now. I had to make sure the floors were swept and mopped perfectly. I made sure the carpets were vacuumed and even steam cleaned if needed. I pretty much kept the house in perfect condition. I wanted to make sure that if I went into labor, my baby was coming home to a perfect house. Pretty silly huh?
My water broke once already, so now my question is when will it break again?
I am now going to the doctor weekly. Yep, I still get anxious about the appointments, but at least I am not puking now. I don't know that I will ever feel comfortable with this part of being pregnant.
I was at 38 weeks now and visiting my doctor again. She worked with a team, so if I went into labor during non business hours I would get who ever was on call. She worked with a group of men. Enough said! This was her weekend on call and she had said to me that it would be really nice if I could go into labor this weekend. She tried a technique to start some contractions and sent me home.
I had three days to go into labor if I didn't want to take the chance of a man delivering my baby.
How ironic is this? Just a few weeks ago I was saying my prayers and on bed rest just to keep this little man inside my belly and now I am trying to get him out in a hurry!
My husband and I went to Mexican food for dinner. It was not really a craving at the time, but we asked for the HOT salsa, hoping the spicy foods would start up a few contractions.
I had been going to three walks a day. My doctor strongly encouraged this, so I was on top of it. Still...
My husband went to the drug store and got me black and blue cohosh and camomile tea. I drank so much tea I was sick. The cohosh did nothing.
We moved on to bigger and better things. I felt desperate at this time. I had only 1 day left. I opted to try the castor oil. I was a FOOL! I spent the next few hours periodically, on the toilet. (I can not believe I just shared this). It was awful and discomforting to say the least.
The last thing to try was Sex. To the bedroom!
Time is up! It is Monday morning. I did not go into labor and now there is a male doctor on duty. It is just my luck!
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