Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Baby Story; Before MeloMomma Was Really MeloMomma Part 3

I suddenly felt myself start sweating. I was pretty nervous that my doctor was not saying anything. I realize now that this silence only lasted a few minutes, but it sure felt like hours to me.

My doctor turned to head towards me and made eye contact. Oh man this is it... I am finally going to learn the sex of my baby!
She says to me, “ Melissa, I know how badly you wanted to know the sex of your baby, but I have some bad news.” Oh my goodness... my heart sank all the way down to my toes. What was wrong? A thousand “what if's” passed through my mind in the thirty seconds she was quiet. She starts to open her mouth again, and I take a deep breath as she says, “Your baby has their legs crossed. I will not be able to tell you the sex today.”

No big birthday surprise for this expecting mommy. I asked if I could do jumping jacks or something to get the baby to move, but she had other patients and pretty much laughed in my face when I asked this.

Happy Birthday Mommy To Be! Little did I know this was just the start of how onry this baby was going to be.

Off we go to have some birthday dinner. Yep... we are going to Chinese again.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH..... the wait...... at least you had Chinese food!! : )
