Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Today Is Brought To You By The Letter C; Toilet Paper Roll Car

What you will need:
Toilet paper roll
Construction paper
Card board (use a cereal box)
Smarties (optional)
Necco candy (optional)
Little toy man (optional)

Cover the toilet paper roll with construction paper. Use tape to secure it.
Cut out two circles to cover the front and back of the tp roll. I made the back circle a little bigger.

Cut out a rectangle shaped hole in the top.
Cut out four round circles for the wheels. It works best to fold the card board in half so the wheels are the same size.
Using a glue stick secure the wheels.

Glue on two smarties for the head lights.
Glue on a piece of Necco candy for the steering wheel (A card board circle would work as well).
Decorate it if you wish.
Place a toy guy in and go for a ride.

Don't forget to write the letter C so your child learns to recognize the letter and talk about what sound C makes as you make this craft.

Additional ideas for learning the letter C:
Alphabet Men
Make "C" shaped cookies
Pick out the "C" fridge magnets

Tip Junkie handmade projects

1 comment:

  1. fun! each week we take in several items from our recycle bin to my son's preschool. He and his classmates love to craft from these items! Hopped over from Tip Junkie's Tip Me Tuesday.
